Thursday 10 November 2011

Alhamdulillah...finally her mother get rid from breast cancer.


First of all, thank you Allah for giving me another day to live on your beautiful land in Malaysia..for my parents, thanks for being such a good parents to us..we love u most mom & dad..=)

Tinggal berjauhan daripada keluarga bukanlah satu pilihan untuk semua orang..begitu juga dengan saya..namun, itulah rezeki namanya..itu menambahkan lagi keeratan antara ahli keluarga sekiranya berada di kejauhan..sentiasa menelefon bertanyakan khabar serta berbicara tentang kehidupan harian..

Di sini, saya ingin berkongsi pula dengan anda semua tentang kehebatan produk Dr.Xeniji yang pernah saya ceritakan sebelum ini yang dapat menyembuhkan pesakit diabetes..

And now, i just want to share this amazing product that can cure breast cancer office mate, i never know how's her family background until one day my other office mate told me that she's on leave because her mother is sick..i was wondering, apa penyakit mak dia sampaikan ambil cuti terlalu lama..finally she told me that her mother having breast cancer stage 4 which is according to specialist doctor she just have another few months to live...just imagine how's your feeling when doktor pakar yang cakap your mom just ada few months je boleh hidup...hanya Allah yang tahu perasaan itu bukan..

Saya pada mulanya ragu-ragu untuk berkongsi dengan beliau memandangkan saya tak tahu tentang status mak my ofismate ni...but apa yang saya fikir hanya satu, just share with her..mana la tahu boleh menyelamatkan satu nyawa lagi...akhirnya my ofismate setuju untuk mencuba produk ini memandangkan sudah berhabis banyak untuk mencari penawar yang dapat mengubati sakit maknya..bila kita sayangkan mak & ayah kita, apa saja akan kita lakukan untuk memastikan mereka sentiasa sihat & gembira di samping boleh hidup lama bukan..

Alhamdulillah, kemoterapi yang pertama di lalui oleh makcik tidak mengalami apa2 symptom yang selalu dialami oleh pesakit kanser spt loya2, muntah2, demam dan panas badan...kesan luka juga tidak lagi terasa sakitnya berbanding sebelum ni..dan yang paling mengujakan saya apabila selepas 2 bulan mengamalkan makan Dr. Xeniji ini, appointment with specialist doctor had been cancel due to no more cell cancer yang perlu di bedah..Alhamdulillah..=)

Bulan puasa baru2 ini, makcik dapat berpuasa seperti orang lain tanpa perlu mengganti puasa pun..sangat menakjubkan..malah tidak berasa sakit langsung dengan sakit yang dialaminya..dan apa yang diamalkan ialah minum air yang bersih (RO), Dr.Xeniji (1 jar/week), IG6 (untuk sembuhkan luka dan sistem imun), & elken spirulina (to prevent cell cancer from growing)... 

Kini, mampu tersenyum lebar apabila ibu yang disayangi sembuh daripada penyakit yang
rata2 banyak meragut nyawa wanita di dunia yess!Mereka kini berada di Xian, dengan trip 
ELKEN yang disediakan..Alhamdulillah..
next aim is Inner Mongolia & Beijing with FOC (celebrate our birthday together)..=)

Pakar yang menemui Dr. Xeniji, from left Dr. Shingoro Matsuura & Dr. Edward

Metabolic Syndrome Health Destroyer

All disease above are the potential to us if our metabolic system is not as healthy as we need..

Metabolic Health - The Missing Link in Prolonging Life
Healthy metabolism is the continual process of breakdown and renewal performed inside cells, as well between cells, that result in growth, energy production, waste elimination, and the control of your bodily functions such as digesting food, distributing food nutrients in the blood, breathing, blinking, walking, talking, etc.

Cells are power plants that are managed by enzymes. Enzymes are enhanced by Enzyme Catalyst (co-enzymes and co-factors). When certain enzymes become weak or inactive, they will trigger off abnormal cell behaviour, causing one power plant (cell) to shut down after another in a chain reaction that seriously damages your metabolic health thus resulting in chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, renal failure, cancer and etc.

Treat the Problem, NOT Just the Symptoms
When encountering the early symptoms of metabolic disorder, most people will seek fast relief for the symptoms only. Example: antacids for gastric, charcoal pills for gas, etc. This may retard the symptoms for a while, but the problem still remains. The correct way is to follow-up quickly by boosting your enzymatic system with Enzyme Catalyst!

Enzymes Cannot Function Without Enzyme Catalyst
Co-factors and Co-enzymes (Enzyme Catalyst) are essential for cells to perform at peak optimal level. All metabolism functions that support life, such as bone and tissue formation, blood coagulation and circulation, etc., depend on the well-being of enzymes. And, enzymes will only remain healthy when they are supported by Enzyme Catalyst. The best Enzyme Catalyst is a broad spectrum variety derived from bioactive plant micro-nutrients extracted through the process of fermentation.

Di sini juga anda boleh lihat sendiri testimoni2 hebat daripada pesakit2 kronik yang sembuh dengan mengambil makan nutrisi ini..Dr.Xeniji testimonial

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan/ any inquiries can leave your msg here:

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